Have An Impact
Make Lifetime Frienships
Join our mentorship club and participate in community building events, special dance classes for club members, community service opportunities & more.
Older participants are offered opportunities to build leadership skills by: assisting teachers in classes, becoming junior camp counselors, help plan + host special events & more.
Younger participants are offered: mentorship and engagement with older students, activities that explore creativity and community, opportunities to engage with the db community.
join our Mentorship program?
Please enter your information below to join our mentorship program. Students can choose to join as either a mentor or club member. Our mentorship program is free for all db studios students.
A mentor is someone who is 10 years or older, who is looking to make an impact on the db community. Mentors are often given leadership opportunities like assisting in class.
A club member is anyone who wishes to participate further and do more within our community. Club members can attend db studios’ events and are paired with a mentor who they can check in with and rely on.